perm filename FEI2.MSG[ADM,DBL] blob sn#194176 filedate 1975-12-29 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Thanks for  your  excellent response.   You  have eliminated  several
C00012 ENDMK
Thanks for  your  excellent response.   You  have eliminated  several
places  from consideration,  and probably  saved  large chunks  of my
time.  Below is a rough draft of a note which you might  send around.
A similar one  for Cordell also exists. I feel  rather awkward saying
good things about myself, and rather awkward about NOT saying them in
this type of note.   In fact, I would  rater that you wrote  your own
note.  (I won't ask to see it.) In case you'll do that, I've supplied
a brief list of  facts about me  and my work that  you might want  to

I will probably call you in a couple days, to discuss all this with you.


Dear .............,

I am writing you  about Doug Lenat, one of my  graduate students, who
will [probably]  receive his Ph.D. by next  Fall. He is interested in
an academic  position,  and I  hope you  will  consider him  for  any
openings you might have.  Lenat  is [very sharp/OK/a loser], and does
[great/good/some]  research.  He  has published  papers  in Automatic
Programming and in  the Representation of  Knowledge, but his  thesis
deals with how to explain -- and automate -- the discovery process in
elementary mathematics.    I'm  sending you  a  description  of  that
project through the US  mails. Hope to hear from you  soon.  Regards,



Degrees: BA Math, BA Physics, MS Math.
Expect to receive my PhD in CS by next Fall.
Teaching experience: held the rank of Instructor at the U. of Pa., 
	in the Math dept,in 1972. Taught Calculus course (Math 110).

 Before entering Computer Science:
	Physics: 2 research papers on acoustic holography
	Math: Master's Thesis, in the realm of algebraic topology.
 PUP: Automatic Programming system which synthesized Winston's
	 concept formation program and a few simpler inductive 
	inference programs.  Articles about it include:
    1.Progress Report on Program-Understanding Systems, SAIL Memo AIM-240.
    2.Synthesis of Large Programs from Specific Dialogues, 
	Proceedings of the International Symposium on Proving and 
	Improving Programs, Le Chesnay,	France, July, 1975.
    3.BEINGS: Knowledge as Interacting Experts, IJCAI75
 AM:  Automated Theory formation in elementary mathematics.
    1.Duplication of Human Actions by an Interacting Community
	 of Knowledge Modules, Proceedings of the Third International 
	Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Bucharest, August, 1975.

Interests for next year:
	Research, at least half-time. Probably continue working on AM, at
		least on the ideas behind how to automate math discovery.
	Teaching. Ideally, I would like to teach a course each term,
		plus give a seminar/course on my interests (e.g., 
		on Polya's books; on automatic programming)
	Areas of competence: I am technically competent in most areas 
		of CS and AI in particular. (I was the only one to 
		score a High Pass when I took the Comprehensive, 
		and the only one to score a Pass with Distinction when 
		I took the AI Qual).
		I feel comfortable in AI, Theory of Computation. 
		I think I could adequately teach introductory courses
		for these: Numerical Analysis, Systems, and Logic.
	Location: geographically, prefer the East or West coast, NOT
		the South. Main constraint is probably access to the
		Arpanet, preferably to a PDP10, so I can continue 
		work on AM with no rewriting.
		A corporation position is fine, as long as I have the 
		freedom	to pursue my own research interests at least 

Please mention explicitly that I expect to receive my PhD this year,
that I am interested in a faculty position for next year; if it is
proper, please suggest that they ask me over to give a colloquium.
If you want to wait until after you've heard my miniconference talks
before sending out the messages, that is fine, too.
Thanks again. Hope your vacation is going nicely.
Regards, Doug.